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  • $425,000 Recovery

    $425,000 Recovery – After receiving a settlement offer of less than $10,000 our client contacted another local attorney about their case. We worked as co-counsel with the referring attorney to assist our client in the recovery she needed and deserved. We faced defenses of “causation” and the argument that the “minor” impact did not cause the client’s injuries. After consulting with the client’s neurosurgeon and providing his written opinion that the crash did lead to the necessity for surgery settlement was finally reached with the vehicle owner’s insurance company, then with the driver’s insurance company, and finally with our client’s own underinsured motorist carrier. Incidentally, the final $25,000 was collected for our client when her own insurance company could not produce a signed UM/UIM rejection form. This happens in less than 5% of our cases, but when the insurer can’t produce this document, the law requires that they provide this coverage to their insureds. This recovery made a difference for our client

  • $300,000 Recovery

    $300,000 Recovery – Our client suffered back injuries and was required to wear an upper-body back brace for weeks during his recovery period. He was off work for many months from the crash. Prompt scene investigation verified that the at-fault driver not only ran the red blinking signal but also failed to see the road marking with a stop bar and the stop sign on the highway. This recovery made a difference for our client.

  • $275,000 Recovery

    While traveling to Florida for vacation, our client was rear-ended at almost 60 miles an hour by the at-fault driver. Sadly, after the crash, our client received word that back surgery was required and he was immediately summoned back to the hospital after his initial release. Recovery was made from the at-fault driver and then from our client’s own underinsured motorist coverage. This recovery made a difference for our client.

  • Recovery $260,000 Recovery

    $260,000 Recovery – Our client sustained a serious leg/foot injury when the at-fault driver turned left in front of her. A video presentation of her vehicle, the scene, and our client’s life-changing injury was prepared within 3 months of her injury. The policy limits from the at-fault party were quickly offered and our client’s underinsured motorist carrier paid their limits within days of our demand for a total recovery of $260,000 for our client. This recovery made a difference for our client.

  • $142,400 Recovery

    $142,400 Recovery – Our client suffered an injury at a local restaurant and received compensation for medical costs and pain and suffering.

  • $100,000 Recovery

    Our client was injured in Panama City Beach when another driver ran a red light. Our client went to the ER and had one follow-up appointment with a local neurologist. He did no further treatment pre-suit. GEICO was the defendant’s insurance carrier and had a $100,000 policy limit. GEICO only offered roughly $2,500 pre-suit, which we rejected. We filed suit and during litigation, we sent our client back to his physician roughly 2yrs after the motor vehicle accident. We then personally spoke to the physician. After hearing our arguments about the injuries, enlightening GEICO about our client who was a Vietnam vet, and explaining how and why we felt our client would make an excellent presentation to a jury, GEICO folded and paid us their policy limits of $100,000.

  • Confidential Settlement

    Confidential Settlement – Our client was rear-ended by a semi-tractor trailer. Given the angle of impact, the visible property damage was not extensive. The trucking company/insurer argued throughout the litigation that the forces were insufficient to cause the client’s injuries. Discovery consisting of carefully tracking all of the client’s medical history for as much as 20 years before the rear-end collision verified that the client was pain-free and the doctor’s written opinion verified that the surgery performed was due to the crash. This recovery made a difference for our client

  • Confidential Settlement

    Confidential Settlement – The client sustained a massive foot injury while at work. Recovery was made for our client after video footage depicting his surgery, his recovery and x-rays were colorized showing a multiple number of breaks. Liability was established by retaining an accident reconstruction expert immediately after we were retained. This recovery made a difference for our client.

  • Confidential Settlement

    Confidential Settlement – Our client was injured after falling on a construction site. Unfortunately, he sustained a major brain injury. Issues of worker’s compensation immunity were overcome and ultimately a confidential settlement was secured for our client and his family. This recovery made a difference for our client.