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Our office at 25 W Oak Avenue is open and able to meet the needs of all Workers’ Compensation and Social Security clients.


At Syfrett Dykes & Furr we care about each and every one of our clients and wish everyone the best as they deal with the aftermath of Michael.

  • If you are a client of Douglas Dykes and have an emergency please email Stephanie or call 850-785-3409.
  • If you are a client of Clayton Syfrett's and have an emergency please call 850-832-2542 or 850-381-6077.

Thank you for your understanding and patience. We plan on reopening as soon as possible.

Here are a few Q&A's that may be helpful:

1) Is the firm still in existence? Yes. Firm attorney staff and buildings and their client files are safe. Some minor building damage but biggest problem is no power or water yet.
2) Will my case be affected if I move? No. You can move anywhere you need to just update us with contact info.
3) If I move can I change doctors? For personal injury clients, yes. Forworkers comp clients that will depend on a case by case basis.
4) How can we contact you? We are getting emails but sporadically because loss of cell service. We reply when we can but if you send it we will eventually receive it.
5) When will we reopen? Once power and water is restored we can open but we are working on temporary office space now.
6) Are we taking new cases? Yes we are. We can email forms that can be filled out online and send back. Also we can call when we have service which is limited.”

Please DO NOT post any personal information about yourself or your case on our Facebook page.
